Wood engraving printed onto Zerkall mould made paper in an edition of 75. Print measures 125mm x 85mm mounted and unframed.
I am constantly drawn to winter trees on the skyline and derelict farm buildings. An engraving with both! The Broyle is a slightly odd place it has a very straight old drovers road completely bisecting the area. It was once Ringmer Common, but it was divided up and modernised during the enclosures of the 18th century. Which gives it its strangness I think, all the hedgrows have a feeling of sameness along with the hedgerow oaks all seeming to be of a similar age. With its gun barrel straight roads it is an anomily in the usual higgle-de-piggle-de nature of this part of Sussex. It also has the most magnificent views to the South Downs it always amazes me the ever changing light on the downs, seemingly never ever the same.
As with all my prints the postage and packaging is included to all UK address.